Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Asshole's Handbook to Driving

For the purpose of my own sanity, I have to believe that people don't drive like assholes on purpose. And if I'm gonna be bold and honest (who are we kidding, it's the internet. I'll be as bold and honest as I want) I'm sure I've been called an asshole by other drivers...once or twice.

There should be a handbook that every licensed driver should treat as their automotive bible. And let's get back to be honest and just say, from the beginning, that will be translated into different languages. White people, shut up because I'm acknowledging the fact that the people of my ancestral hemisphere are not what you would consider the "ideal driver". But let the truth set us free...white people have just as many terrible drivers. It's a universal travesty. It has come to my attention that this is the common denominator that will unite all people across the board.

Here are a couple items to kick off the handbook:

1. Do the damn thank you wave! You think you magically found an opening in the crowded lane? It never occurred to you that someone slowed down to let you in?

2. Check the speed of cars in the lane you wish to switch to. If you see a car approaching at a higher speed than you from the lane you wish to switch to, wait for them to pass. Then switch.

3. Speeders are already pissed off because they're late. Be aware of that. Don't cut the line if you've got time. Let 'em pass.

4. This next one has a couple conditionals. If you're in the fast lane going 65mph (I have a bat in my trunk just for you) and someone rolls right up on your tail...switch lanes. Let 'em by.

Now, if you're the person rolling up on someone's booty in the fast lane at 80mph, go around them. Don't expect everyone to abide to your insane speeding habits.

That's all I have for now. And if you can only remember one thing from this post let it be the "courtesy wave". Do it even if you're unsure. It'll make for a better world - one wave at a time.